
Our database contains 1,123 approved salary profiles.

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The newest profiles in the salary survey

Gender Position and category Region Company size Age group Gross monthly salary
gender_icon Customer Support Specialist Customer Support Yangon Region middle company 25-34 720,000 MMK
gender_icon Administrative Worker Administration Yangon Region middle company 25-34 850,000 MMK
gender_icon HR Manager Management Yangon Region small company 25-34 1,650,000 MMK
gender_icon Software Engineer Information Technology Yangon Region big company 350,000 MMK
gender_icon Research Worker, Scientific Worker Education, Science & Research Yangon Region middle company 25-34 1,200,000 MMK
gender_icon Civil Engineer Construction & Real Estate Yangon Region small company 25-34 400,000 MMK
gender_icon Marketing Officer Marketing, Advertising, PR Yangon Region middle company 1,450,000 MMK
gender_icon IT Project Manager Information Technology Yangon Region big company 25-34 1,800,000 MMK
gender_icon IT Business Analyst Information Technology Yangon Region big company 25-34 550,000 MMK
gender_icon Business Analyst Commerce Yangon Region big company 450,000 MMK